Monday, January 5, 2009


I’m breathing…
and my heart is beating again…
Time has passed…seasons have changed…and though my love remains
It has changed…
And my heart is in a different place…
Beating again…
No longer hurting …
No longer longing…

Weeping willows hang low in reverence
The tears that fell watered the seeds of change that sprung forth following the winter thaw
Like icicles melting in the blaze of the sun
My thoughts have become fluid
And I wonder…
Was there ever really love at all
Or was it opportunity…
Were you just using me…

I don’t need an answer…

I got on the with the business of healing
and discovered that saying goodbye
saved my life
and you finding someone new
made it easy for me to let go of you
and so…
I’m breathing again…
My heart is beating again…
And I’m smiling
From the inside
Because I know the truth…
And I’m not angry or bitter toward you
And I’m no longer confused

I’m free
free to say goodbye
For the last time…
And mean it!

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