Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Wind whispers carry songs across waves leaving melodies on the edges of leaves. Lullabies rain down like water drops from clouds heavy with sunrays and the sun shines bright offering rays of light that cascade across blades of grass – in days past – tears streaked the watercolor used to paint a memory and the colors ran together like confused lovers lost in a wonderland – painted stills moved with an elegance found only in dance and the romance that endured fell upon it’s final stance. It was a chance for change – but change brought pain and pain begat a chain of unfortunate events that would lead to a reign of distorted integrity. The sacred became vacant and the temple bled a disease of licentious morality that welcomed in Tom, Dick and Harry – and the body became a casualty of the melancholy that choked the soul. Encrypted in the sexual indiscretions was a code – a code that could heal the wounds and end the self inflicted neglect that allowed a continual disconnect from pure love. But, everything remained suspect and the code went undetected – until reflection offered a clear vision of the truth – the code, once deciphered, disclosed that the abuse would end when love found its way back in – and so with the wind whispers carrying songs and lullabies raining down and the sun shining ever so brightly – the darkness found its end, and love beckoned for a reconciliation of all of the disconnected parts within – and like magic – happiness rained down again.

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