Thursday, November 11, 2010


I remember when I was the moon that embraced your night sky
And moments were like musical notes hanging on the air
Firefly lights flickered like candles dancing on the wind
and a breeze of tranquility would calm the passion brewing within
you were my evening
the end of days
the place where I could disrobe
and rid myself of the days troubles
and drown in the nakedness
of shameless exposure
you were my unbending soldier
shielding me from the darkness
while showing me the light
you were life
and it felt beautiful
so beautiful and rich with possibility
I remember when I was the moon that embraced your night sky
And when the sun started to rise
And we said our goodbyes
As I wished for an eclipse
For darkness to offer me one last glimpse of the magic of you
The beauty of us
The glorious beauty of moon meeting sky and becoming night
Yes, I remember when I was the moon
When I was the moon and I could embrace you
Feel you
In me, around me, all over me
And we said our goodbyes
as the sun shined her brilliant light.

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