Monday, July 11, 2011

Words...seem to fail

In the end words failed
And emotions seemed to overwhelm the prevailing sense of peace…
Tides of tears ebbed and flowed
And the stillness of soul became aflutter with angst
The pain was not yet realized
But the loss was deep
The truth offered a glaring witness
To the shallow waters that drowned happiness
Bliss retreated
And changes ensued
Where love once curled on the corner of a smile
A glaring eye took on its own life
And things once overlooked--Perfect imperfections
Became magnified defects
And everything--Ev-er-y-thing
Became suspect
Yes, in the end, words seem to fail,
But words gave rise to the changing tide
Became personified eyes
Allowing the glimpses of truth to move beyond words like “I love you…”
In the end words seem to fail
Yes, words seem to fail…fail to mask the lie of us…
In the end…

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